Acts of Institutional Disobedience: Film Night

In the summer of 2018, BREAK//LINE organised a public, free event—a film night with a Director’s Q&A—alongside the Bartlett’s annual Summer School Programme. Again, we took over the ground floor lobby of the building, drawing academic activity from the floors above which can only be accessed through a security barrier, to the publicly accessible ground floor.

Two films were screened—No Half Measures, set in the independent micronation of Sealand (dir. Ross McClure) and Epicly Palestine'd: The Birth Of Skateboarding In The West Bank (dir. Theo Krish & Phillip Joa of SkatePal). Both films looked at how creative practice can extend into spaces which are both hostile and politically contested, and in the process, reveal insights into how space can be reclaimed for public good in the harshest of environments.

The screenings were followed by a discussion and Directors Q&A with Ross McClure, Theo Krish and Phillip Joa and, from BREAK//LINE, Thom Callan Riley and Thandi Loewenson.