
BREAK / / LINE is a project by and for those who oppose the trespass of capital, the indifference towards inequality and the myriad frontiers of oppression present in architectural education and practice today. 

We reject the idea that the market can and should define the logic of our lives and the oppression—overt and otherwise—which pervades our experiences and the built environment as a result. 

We challenge those who use education as the intellectual vanguard to create the ideological climate of a seemingly inescapable capitalism. Architectural education must be as much about unbuilding as building (s/O K-Punk and Le Guin).

We want to challenge the discriminations—on the basis of race, gender, sexuality and class—that students face getting into and through university and practice. 

We are bored of a curriculum that only glimpses outside the canon of dead white men, despite the valiant efforts of a hard working few to widen the lens.

We’re done with talking about sustainability, when the system that we’re sustaining is running us into the ground. 

We do not lack for revolt. As students, educators and practitioners, we are engaging in creative acts of resistance through design, teaching and research. We see the efforts of our colleagues and comrades and we know that alternatives are not only possible, but present.

BREAK / / LINE seizes the opportunity of austerity, turning this moment of the abject into a moment of reject. We won’t stand for your leather trousered, kitten heeled, horror-politics, and we won’t be quietly complicit. 

BREAK / / LINE resists definition with intent

BREAK / / LINE is an act of creative solidarity

BREAK / / LINE is an incubator 

BREAK / / LINE is a design research agitator  

BREAK / / LINE is a space for speculating, advocating, designing and performing a practice and academy that not only resists the individualistic, elitist pressures of capital but imagines what an alternative might be. 

We appeal to those who share our ambitions to get in touch, read, write, draw, make with us and join us at our events.

Don’t sleep and don’t let them rest while they oppress us either.   

In solidarity


Hands Off! stickers




Thandi Loewenson, Miranda Critchley, David Roberts, Thom Callan-Riley, Sayan Skandarajah


Ged Ribas-Goody
Lo Marshall
Michael Massive
Nathaniel Telemaque
Rahel SĂĽĂź
Alessio Kolioulis
Serhan Ahmet Tekbas
Joanna McLean
Judit Ferencz
Sam Coulton
Kirsty Badenoch
Phuong Tram Nguyen
Nicole Teh
Ecem Ergin
Ben Spong


All copyright © BREAK // LINE unless otherwise noted.

Web and graphic design by See, Also

'Prodigy Sans' typeface by Wei Huang


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